The New York Times by Raji Radhakrishnan

I couldn't agree more @guytrebay @nytimes. My husband and I both noticed how elegantly nearly everybody from the waiter who was off-duty in #Venezia to the antiques dealer in #Firenze dressed. We wondered if there was a new fashion strategy at play where runway worthy men, old and young, were partaking silently everywhere. The women were beautiful but the men dressed like elegance was part of their genetic code. Fabulous piece in #NYT, really enjoyed it.


Line Vautrin #LineVautrin by Raji Radhakrishnan

Gilded bronze never looked more beautiful until Line Vautrin. I love my feuille bronze doré tray from @maisongerard and my poudrier with a poem and how well they sit with the Maison Bagues lamp. #rajishome #RajiRMdesign

Photography by Rikki Snyder

Photography by Rikki Snyder